Today Great Nana turns 90 - what a fabulous achievement and a fabulous lady! I have boxes of scraps which she has ironed even though she can't see well, and when she comes to visit she is so interested in what we are making and who is doing what and wants to know all that is going on.
Anyway, Julie and Ann decided to make her a quilt for her 90th, and she has always loved this rose quilt which was published in AP&Q a few years ago (which Julie made and Great Nana always loved), so they decided that this was the one - with a little twist!
They put 90 roses on the top, and sent out the word to local, interstate and international quilters that we knew, to send in 4 inch squares of different pinks to make the rosebuds with. Needless to say, there were a lot of pinks which came in the door, and each rosebud is a different pink.
The background was (I think) a tablecloth which was given to Great Nana as a gift many years ago, and is the perfect size for a single bed.
It is quilted with lots and lots of feathers and bound in pink.
Anyway, Great Nana got it on Friday, and was very overwhelmed and cried!!
This is a great gift for a fabulous lady. Happy Birthday Great Nana.........but the story is not over!
It is also Ann's birthday today, so Happy Birthday Ann! I was going to make you a cake but you got cookie cakes instead!
And a picture of the splatted mess of icing which went right down my front, in my apron pocket and across the bench. And on the floor. And down the dishwasher. etc etc. You get the picture.
Anyway, long post, and I have another one for tomorrow - don't faint!
Beautiful quilting always.
Gorgeous Quilting, Happy 90th Birthday Nana, and I love, love, love your cookie cakes.